Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A Proposed Statement of Purpose of the new Progressive Movement

This is a proposed statement of purpose for a new progressive movement to take over the Democratic Party and gain control of governments at all levels. It is based on the 1912 Progressive Party Platform, which contained a number of commitments that still are relevant:

- Limit political campaign contributions and expenditures.
- A “living wage” for all industrial workers.
- A social insurance program for everyone covering health, unemployment and old age.
- Government should create industrial research laboratories.
- One national health agency overseeing all aspects of health
- Federal regulation of all corporations operating in interstate commerce.
- Construction of a national highway system
- Impose a high tax on large inheritances. 

 The 2015 Commitment of a New Progressive Democratic Party

In a time of grave national problems, the people have called upon the Democratic Party to reconstitute itself into a party of the people, free of financial and corporate special interests and extremist ideologies, a progressive party, born of the nation's sense of justice, and dedicated to the restoration of government of the people, by the people, and for the people.
We hold with Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln that the people must insure that their Constitution fulfills its purposes and safeguard it from those who, by perversion of its intent, would convert it into an instrument of injustice. In accordance with the needs of each generation the people must use their sovereign powers to establish and maintain the equal opportunity and justice for all citizens, for which this Government was founded, and without which no democratic republic can endure.
Political parties exist to secure responsible government and to execute the will of the people. The Republican Party has turned aside from these great tasks to favor the rich and powerful at the expense of the people. Some elements of the Democratic Party also are too closely aligned with these special interests.
As a new progressive movement takes control of the Democratic Party, that new, reinvigorated Progressive Democratic Party then will break the corrupt alliances between government and the powerful corporate and financial interests, returning the control of their government to the people.
We hold with Abraham Lincoln that the purpose of government is to do for the people what they need to have done but which they cannot do for themselves.
We oppose the use of public institutions for private profit. Instead, we pledge to reinvigorate the core institutions of government to better serve the people.
We promise to safeguard and protect the natural resources and environment of this nation. Its resources, its business, its institutions and its laws should be utilized, maintained or altered in whatever manner will best promote the general interest of the people and their descendants.

We pledge to protect the natural rights of all our people asserted in our Declaration of Independence of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, as well those rights guaranteed to all citizens under the Constitution.

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